Any tricks android - some time ago already share by eliminating file farraginous is in a sense quite detrimental to the article of the file could reach to air giga bytes, how shared before how highly forgiveness because it will erase all existing data, this time again will share How to eliminate misc / miscellaneous at Xiaomi, Lenovo and other smart phones.
File miscellaneous itself out of nowhere emergence, he will always be there and you as the phone user must periodically clean because otherwise diakan meet and spend internal storage you, file miscellaneous itself can be interpreted as a junk file / files are not detected in your android , Example you save the file form * .zip, * .rar, * .apk and so it is detected as junk files. Therefore you as an android phone users who do not have external storage so-so I recommend to do a backup file on the internet / usb on the go for android smart phones now support the OTG feature.
How to remove the file misc / miscellaneous Xiaomi
If you wear xioami position MIUI 7 then you can use the default application that safety / security, there is a feature cleaners / cleaner just press he will perform scanner on your device and find the various files that are not in use and also cache even the latest update existing features also can scan photos with the same images.
If you are not a user of Xiaomi, you can try the 360 security applications, this application has a lot of functions, its main function is to improve the performance of the phone by cleaning up various files that are not in use even viruses
If the miscellaneous files on your mobile phone try to check the files apk and friends that are not useful and please delete or move on the memory card,
After trying two applications above and then check back in miscellaneous file is still there or even reduced or even increased. There are many more applications that can be used to to remove miscellaneous files, but some applications have a lot of advertising so that in a sense quite disturbing. good luck