How to Distinguish Camera Sensor Xiaomi MI4

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Hello friends, amongst you all, some use Xiaomi MI4? One of the proven features of MI4 Xiaomi smartphone is the camera. Yes, Xiaomi MI4 offers highly supportive front camera for photo selfie with a powerful 8MP camera. In addition Xiaomi MI4 also offers a rear camera with improved sensor that can support the hobby of photography with the strength of 13 MP. Cool is not.

However, many who do not know, there are two types of sensors mounted on Xiaomi MI4, ie sensors made by Samsung and Sony. The difference, which is owned sony sensor, or so-called sensor Sony has the advantage of long exposure features such as digital SLR cameras. MI4 manifold sony sensor capable of running up to 32 seconds long exposure. Waow, cool instead.

How do I know it has a sensor MI4 samsung or sony? It is very easy and without having to root your device.
  1. First thing to do is open the buddy default camera app, continue to snap the scenery around.
    Then exit the camera application without having to remove the recent camera, just press the menu button below.
  2. Then the next step typing * # * # 284 # * # * on the call button.
  3. Wait a few moments to complete. If completed will issue a rar file form.
  4. Up here you can download the application QuickEdit or opening other documents that can be downloaded in PlayStore, which is that this application to extract the rar files that form earlier.
  5. Then stayed search / look for the words "IMX / S5K" on a file downloaded earlier.
How to Distinguish Camera Sensor Xiaomi MI4
Look at the picture above, if the IMX His words "Read ID Failed" means your MI4 sensor Samsung, whereas if S5K his "Read ID Failed" means that you get MI4 with sensor Sony.

Well, you belong to which device? If you have a Sony sensor MI4, a good idea to try to take a photo with the camera is not innate. Because the features of a standard long
exposure limited only 2 seconds. Try using a download MIUI Camera is where you MI4 devices support up to 32 seconds long exposure. With that feature, you are guaranteed to capture the moment you well and of course the results were incredible. Moreover pas night you're the road - the road past the busy road, you can make a photo with a very beautiful exposure long. Thus, hopefully useful.