To start getting a lot of Pokemon in Pokestop, first activate Module Lure Pokemon GO. You will see the leaves secrete pink as cherry blossoms stating lure module has been activated and automatically Pokemon will approach the area. Well, just waiting until many and choose the best one to be arrested.
Lure Module Pokestop Pokemoon GO
So we can get a free Module Lure, first have already reached level 8 in Pokemon GO. Additionally, can also buy it directly in the "Shop" for 100 Pokecoin to 1 fruit or 680 Pokecoin to 8 pieces.Not only level 8, can also still get Lure Module for free when it reaches level 10, 15, and 20. In other words, will only get it for free from the prize level increases when playing Pokemon GO.
For the record, Lure This module is active only 30 minutes so must reactivate if the active period runs out. In addition, GO Pokemon tips and tricks will be better if invite other friends to the nearest Pokestop in order to quickly get a Pokemon that much. Good luck.