Android Battery Saving Tips

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Android Battery Saving Tips. Android battery now being a lot of problems in gadgets outstanding android, android battery article do many activities diandroid itself. So we want to share Android Battery Saving Tips for those who have the capacity battery drain and drop. Aitu battery itself aalah something major component in the charging gadgets

Tips Hemat Baterai  Android

Android Battery Saving Tipsd(

After summarizing all we get four important points in Android Battery Saving Tips.

The following Android Battery Saving Tips

  • Contrast settings screen - the screen on a smartphone is a sector or part of the most siphon electrical power source on your battery. The larger the size of the screen of a smartphone, the electric power required will also increase. The way around that your smartphone battery last longer, you can adjust the lighting or contrast becomes dimmer.
  • Connectivity - connections such as WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS when you do not need, because they will drain the battery with cepet, because WiFi is connect to the internet as well as Bluetooth and GPS. If you keep it switched on when there is no WiFi signal availability and not in need Bluetooth and GPS functionality, it is certain that the battery on your Android Phone will be wasted.
  • Display Wallpaper - In addition to the above solutions, the wallpaper also affected the level of battery power, the contrast is the part that need to be considered. Why? Your use of walllpaper excessive (too animatif) on smartphones that you have also a culprit or a problem that could cause your smartphone battery is ngedrop, because the wallpaper is too excessive so it requires a lot of battery power your smartphone. Therefore, in order that the smartphone battery is not easily depleted, we should use the standard wallpaper alone.
  • Applications - Why is that, Applications and Features also cause your smartphone to experience pebghabisan cepet on battery power your smartphone? Indeed, we are aware of smartphones on the market now cangih and has many features or applications that deserve diancungi thumb, if apps and features are activated simultaneously, surely your smartphone battery will run out quickly. The solution is that you have to be wise to choose the applications and features just about anything you need, or applications and features just about anything you do not need. Well, if you specify, you should immediately turn off the applications and features you do not need them.
Android Battery Saving Tips Thus, you can apply the points above, then you will feel the change and effectiveness in your android. good luck.