How to Know Android is Exposed to Malware

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We know android does have a very big influence on mobile devices and tablets. This android development turned out to seize the attention of cybercrime abuse, ranging from data theft, even because of malware android will experience some performance degradation. Because android open source and many in use make android became the main target for the malware.

From the survey data conducted by Trend Micro in 2013 silah almost from 100 of 1000 for the android device in the sure malware has been infected from harmful to damaging the android system, this is because more and more motives are in use to abuse the android system. 
How to Know Android is Exposed to Malware

Sebelum lebih lanjut lebih baik kita ketahui apa itu malware,  malware sendiri memang di ciptakan orang atau sekelompok orang untuk merusak sebuah sistem, dan ini berlaku tidak hanya di android, di semua sistem operasi seperti windows, iOS blackberry dan lainnya.

Malware selain merusak data pengguna, mencuri data juga dapat merusak performa perangakat android. Bahkan saat ini ada malware yang bernama 'botnet' , malware ini mampu untuk mengontrol dan menavigasi penyebarnya melalui jarak jauh.  Berikut kami sudah merangkum Tanda-tanda Android Terkena Malware,  jadi anda bisa mengatisipasinya. :D 

  • Use of internet data quickly run out or wasteful

Most of the malware that attacks the android in can from various fake sites that if you click will automatically redirect to the site toggles or also porn that can be said is not clear. This certainly has an impact on the use of internet data soaring high. In this process usually malware will automatically start attacking and mastering email and will send you email containing other malware

  • The performance of android decreased dramatically

Various Malware created in the form of illegal and running behind the scenes, it is not going to look and this makes the performance of the android phone down, so for you try check in the running settings of the application, if there is a suspicious application it would be nice to uninstall on application.

  • Battery android fast Out

Because apps that run behind many screens as well as decreased performance make the android battery wasteful because it runs nonstop

  • The phone is often disconnected without cause

The reason why the phone call is influential, when we do either incoming and outgoing calls then automatically internet connection will be alive and dead this can be affected android in enter by malware.

There are still many signs of Android Affected Malware, ranging from android that often died alone can be an indication android famous malware. You can cope with anti-virus applications but affect the performance of your android device or you can by doing a factory reset periodically on your android.
