How to Optimize ZenUI Launcher on ZenFone Asus

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Asus with some of its smart phone product line has attracted many consumers android smartphone In Indonesia. With ZenUI, unique display or User Interface unique to the Zenfone Series, Asus is increasingly known for its distinctive design and distinctiveness of Android in general.

ZenUI as a typical user interface feature Asus Zenfone is specially designed to facilitate users in to explore every menu available. User Interface that people usually refer to as Launcher, In posel asus will not be equal to launcher that exist on Android default. Where ZenUI specifically to maximize in every existing gesture more efficient with the form of a futuristic and colorfull icon.

How to Optimize ZenUI Launcher on ZenFone Asus

Some of the differences that can be found between ZenUI Launcher with android's interface by default are as follows:

1. LockScreen

Where every android is in a sleeping position will be locked automatically. In ZenUI lockscreen display pinned 3 display options that can be selected by users such as What's next Widget, Weater Time Widget and Personalized Application shortcut.

2. HomeScreen

ZenUI HomeScreen display on the look more clean, simple and look more distinct different from the typical android home screen by default.

3. Common User Interface

Similar to the built-android coommondUI, ZenUI provides additional new features like Transparent or Hidden Action Bar, Edge to Edge design, Oval Button, Drawer navigation User Interface and more.

As is known, there are some innate features of Zenfone asus like Whats Next, Do It Later, Share Link, Easy Mode and Bordless Action Bar. Read more for the above features you can see below:

  • Do It Later

The function of this feature is like a reminder machine on a smartphone with ZenUI as the launcher. Various features in it like Read later, Call leater, edit leater, Pure Task and so much easier for users to set everything up with scheduled.

  • What's Next

This feature also functions like a reminder and time machine. Includes some timer activity reminders such as meeting events, time SMS or messaging can be set automatically via this vitur.

  • Easy Mode

In the user who wants easy all-round without convoluted with the many icons or magnitudes of options in the settings of Easy mode is right for you. With this feature all the icons will be displayed larger than the default and make it easier to see and read by the user.

  • Share Link

This share link feature only works with zenfone users, you can share links, videos, photos or other files to your fellow ZenFone asus user easily.

  • Bordless Action Bar

This borderless interface will also make it easier for users to browse through any existing files, so it's simpler and faster access without many different user interfaces (simple)

Well, For users Zenfone asus of course can further optimize the various features of the phone in accordance with the desire and usability. May be useful.