Install 2 Clash Of Clans accounts on One android

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You as a mobile game enthusiast of course know gait this one game. Clash of Clans Game itself is one of the very popular game, this game itself by some mobile gamers in call with COC, this game brings the online strategy genre. This COC game invites players to build a village with various construction for defense and also to make attack troops. Why build and also maintain. Because when we build the enemy can directly attack and we are otherwise.
Pasang 2 akun Clash Of Clans di Satu android
Install 2 Clash Of Clans accounts on One android(
In addition to building the building players must also make troops forces of war certainly to attack other villages. But in this game to build the village and also the troops needed time to adjust to the level level of each building. Because while waiting for the building and raise the level of weapons that finished many players feel bored so Put two Clash Of Clans account on One android.

Having 2 or more accounts is a fair thing considering COC games are games that have a long process, and to Put 2 Clash Of Clans accounts on One android itself is very easy by utilizing third party applications that do have a function for it. This method itself is the easiest and simplest way, but requires root access that does have the risk of damage to the android system itself.

As we have explained, we will use third party applications named 2lines for class of clans, this application requires root access, for those of you who want to try and use this application must ensure android in root.

Here's how to Put 2 Clash Of Clans accounts on One android

    • You must make sure your android is rooted.
    • Because of the way of COC games of course you should have installed Clash of Clans game on your phone and already logged in using your first account.
    • Step 3 Download 2Lines for Clash of Clans app on Play Store
    • Go to 2Lines for Clash of Clans application then select Add a new line for Clas of Clans, you will be directed to Clash of Clans game
    • Then please create your new account and login using your abru account.
    • Done

    Pasang 2 akun Clash Of Clans di Satu android
    2 Lines for Clash of Clans
    Once completed the above steps you can move from the first account to your second account, but if you want to add your account can by doing the above and of course with the same steps. This way you will not feel bored and will certainly add many villages that you create.
