Tips on Choosing the best android Smartphone Processor

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In performance, a smartphone will depend entirely with the quality of the hardware in it. As with any processor, this one smartphone brains is the most vital cellular innards and determines for a smart phone performance. Where Processor is the core of all input output when the operating system runs.

Lots of questions about smartphones when you want to buy a smart phone that should be known to the answer by everyone who wants to get the quality of the smartphone he wants. At least prospective consumers who want to buy a smart phone should know what and how to choose smartphone hardware that is fitted with the desires and usability.

Tips on Choosing the best android Smartphone Processor

Below there are simple tips to choose the best type of smartphone processor, what are the tips ?, please refer to the answer yuk....


Where this one component is the base of the processor to manage any communication between devices that exist. There are so many types and types of chipsets in circulation which are famous for its toughness like MediaTek Chipset, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Helio, Intel and so forth. the higher the serial number and the type issued by the vendor the better the performance of each chipset.


Surely you've seen in the bundle or smartphone sales box there is writing processor x, xGHz is not ?, therein lies the frequency of the speed of a processor. If at the beginning of smartphones first processor with 512KHz frequency already looks so good but now some vendors have issued a type of processor with a frequency above the average speed ranging from 1GHz to 8Ghz is available.

  • CORE

The number of Core in a processor is also very influential on the performance of multitasking a smartphone. in simple language if more and more cores then the workflow can be overcome in every existing cores without having to wait in one core path. Simple example, if there is a parade then available 4 roads that can be passed then it will be better for traffic than there is only 1 street with the same number of walkers is not it? Well, the total core of the smartphone itself is currently starting from the bottom to the top cores like Single core (1 core), Dual core (2 cores), Quad Core (4 cores), Hexa core (6 Core) and Octa Core with 8 cores inside it. The more cores the better the performance of a smartphone.

  • GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

For this one device you should also consider if you want to buy a new smartphone, because the GPU function to determine how the visual quality generated on the screen. The better the GPU the better the resulting display. Many lovers of heavy gaming applications with 3D quality always glance at the GPU with the best quality for maximum results in the process of rendering images.

Well, from the above description of course smartphone enthusiasts themselves who can determine which smart phone to choose, because the higher the quality and type of processor (chipset) and the quality of the GPU then bounced higher the price of the smartphone. Hopefully the above  useful and increase knowledge for readers World of android everything.